Michele’s watercolor and mixed media mandalas are unique works of healing art. Each is a multi-layered painting created first in the form of a collage with colored pencil, oil pastel and other media added. Partnering with spirit and nature, these artworks all represent images of healing.

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Learn watercolor painting and how to create personal mandalas easily in Art in My Heart: The Power of Watercolor Mandala Making. Michele’s second book is Awakened By The Flowers: With Channeled Messages and Watercolor Flowers, and her third book, The Emerging; A Journey of Love and Healing with Watercolor Flower Mandalas is now available.

Learn More About the Books >

Michele offers a variety of watercolor mandala classes. Designed to create a fun and supportive environment, the classes emphasize process and included in every class are how to: get started easily in watercolor, paint from the heart, trust the imagination, co-create mandalas with spirit.

See Class Schedule >

My second book is on sale! Awakened by the Flowers; with Channeled Messages and Watercolor Mandalas is the story of awakening and healing with flowers, color and spiritual guidance. It is full of channeled messages from my spirit guides and the story of how I used mandalas to heal. The sale price includes a signed book, a Circle of Love (an original mini-mandala) and free shipping in the US.

Buy the Book >

In this section I will be sharing photos of recent events, mandalas and other pictures of interest. Because I will be teaching the class “Mandalas in Autumn” in the fall of 2024, where we will paint leaves, I’ve included mandalas in which I show the many ways, through the years, that I have painted leaves.

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The power, creativity, color and uniqueness of Michele’s work with mandalas are shown in these videos. You can see her mandalas and hear her talk about them, watch her with students in class creating their own and view some very creative mandalas painted by class members.

Watch the Videos >

What’s New


We had so much fun encouraging and helping kids of all ages draw a mandala of their favorite sea creature. No one was shy and parents helped their children and drew mandalas themselves. Creativity, cuteness  and soulfulness was in abundance!
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My dad smiled a lot so I gave him this Circle. He was in hospice and couldn’t speak, but everyone loved his smile. The back of the Circle read, “In ancient China it is believed that a constant inner smile to oneself insured health, happiness and longevity. Living with an inner smile was to bask...
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“TO UKRAINE WITH LOVE” read the headline in our community newspaper. A local nutritionist was going to a Ukrainian refugee camp in Slovakia to help with the Red Cross. How could we help I wondered? So our class made Circles of Love for the refugees to let them know we were thinking of them and...
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Flower Energy Paintings

What are “Flower Energy Paintings?” It is a term used by my spiritual teacher St. Germaine. It came in a message I received from him in which he said that we would write a book together: “there will be a very, very special book coming that you and I will be doing together.”

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If you would like to be notified of upcoming events, new classes and workshops, gallery shows and openings, new work, student exhibits, Coffee Shop Mandala Dates, new videos, and general information about mandala making, subscribe to Michele’s monthly newsletter and promotional annoucements.