Michele Faia  >  blog  >  AN INNER SMILE & A DAUGHTER’S LOVE

My dad smiled a lot so I gave him this Circle. He was in hospice and couldn’t speak, but everyone loved his smile. The back of the Circle read, “In ancient China it is believed that a constant inner smile to oneself insured health, happiness and longevity. Living with an inner smile was to bask in love and live in harmony with oneself.”

Dad With a Circle in His Pocket

Some years ago, when I first gave him a Circle of Love, my dad carried it in his pocket, and believed it kept him from falling in the garden. And it worked!



Choosing Another Circle

On occasion the Circle would accidentally go through the washing machine and he would have to choose another one. He claimed they would still work and used them until I gave him another. The “washed” Circle is in his hand!


He was a gardener, growing more vegetables than we could eat when I was a kid, and later in life he loved planting Morning Glory seeds each year for their beautiful blossoms. This is a Circle of Love I gave him one Father’s Day which he always kept nearby.

Morning Glory
Morning Glory Circle of Love








He made me this latch hook wall hanging using scraps of yarn from the many rugs he made. It was his “mandala,” his way. It symbolized how a planted seed would grow in the composted soil, which were all the colors surrounding the circles. The black circle represented the earth, the blue, water, the  yellow circle was the sun and red was the flower blossom. What a garden!

Dad’s “Mandala”


I feel certain my dad is smiling from the garden in the sky now. He passed away September 30, 2023. He was 97 years young!

Smile Circle





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