Zelda the Jay and the Peanut Mandala

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Allow Me To Introduce Myself!

Meet Zelda

She would introduce herself if she could. This is Zelda, a blue jay who has captured our hearts. She has trained us to feed her peanuts, waiting patiently every morning at our back door for one, or two or three!

Zelda w:peanut

 She takes the peanuts from our hands and, when she goes for the peanut, it’s quite gentle.


Zelda’s Mandala

Peanut MandalaI decided I wanted to paint a mandala for her and attach peanuts to it. Would she go for it on my lap? Would she go for the energy in the mandala, too! No problem! It took her a few tries, and, except for not liking the sound of her feet on the paper, she got all the peanuts! Does she eat them right away? No! She buries them everywhere in our garden.Zelda on mandala



She Makes My Heart Sing

She Makes My Heart Singsm

This is my most recent mandala. I wanted to make a love mandala of how I feel about Zelda—and how she makes me feel! It’s called She Makes My Heart Sing, because as I started painting, the lyrics of an old song started up in my head: “Wild thing, you make my heart sing!” I poured my love for her, and my appreciation of our connection, into this mandala. And, of course, the love for the Apple Blossom penstemon flowers, which are now blooming in my garden.





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