I teach various 6-week classes in Santa Cruz County—all of them about learning watercolor, mandala-making and painting from the heart. Some of the classes include Nature Mandalas, Flower Mandalas, Gifts from The Heart, Capturing The Light in Mandalas, Gratitude or Kindness Mandalas. I also teach 1 or 2-day workshops in various locations. Watch the schedule for the latest classes and workshops. I would be happy to discuss the possibility of my teaching a workshop in your area.
Course Description
Let’s keep creating good energy for ourselves and the world with mandalas! They ARE magical, fun, healing and come from the heart. This will be a free time to create your own personal mandalas, and/or mandalas to bring light and harmony to others. Step into a circle of creativity and join other supportive and like-minded souls who create from their hearts. There will be no formal instruction but in each class a fellow mandala maker can if they wish, share a poem, meditation or mandala for inspiration. Let’s share and try new and different techniques! Michele will be available for questions and demos.
Bring materials you would like to work with.
Class Location
Capitola Recreation Community Center (temporary location while they remodel)
Class Title
Class Schedule
Day: Thursdays
NEW TIME: 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM NEW TIME
6-week session
NEW: Drop-ins available; $20 each class.
HAND OUTS (Download these PDFs for the class):
Open to16 yrs and up
Class Size:
R: $90 NR:$107
REGISTRATION: Registration will be through Capitola Recreation, by phone (831) 475-5935, in person or online starting December 10, 2024.https://secure.rec1.com/CA/capitola-recreation-ca/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTM0MTA5MzA=
Questions? Call or text me at (831) 713-9312.
Course Description
Let’s look inside ourselves at the flower we are today. What do you imagine it would be? Like no one else’s. I’ll explain what a mandala is, what it’s used for, and how it is an ancient tool for centering and balance. I’ll show a couple of simple watercolor “washes” for everyone to follow to “get their feet wet.” Materials will be provided. I’ll explain my process of creating this Flower of Myself. Then, after a simple guided imagery process, you will be able to draw and paint the The Flower of Yourself – today!
Class Title
Class Schedule
Day: Saturday
Time: 1:00 – 2:30 PM
1 session
Materials Provided
HAND OUTS (Download the PDF :
Open to16 yrs and up
Class Size:
20 ONLY — First come first served
NO REGISTRATION: First come, first served
Questions? Call or text me at (831) 713-9312.
6 Thursdays: June 12 – July 17, 2025
Course Description
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.“ – Einstein. Let’s have some fun with Mandalas, the ancient sacred circle. We’ll find quotes that touch our hearts and playfully paint them into fun geometric patterns like pinwheels, spirals, etc. “Whatever lights the corners of your mouth, trust that!“ – Rumi
Always a playful watercolor class, the basics of watercolor and Mandala making will be taught. All are welcome in our lively group circle where we paint from the heart and have fun! Beginners welcome.
A Suggested Material’s List is available in “HAND OUTS.”
Class Location
Class Title
Class Schedule
Day: Thursdays
Time: NOTE NEW TIME 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM NOTE NEW TIME due to remodeling of the Community Center
1 6-week session
HAND OUTS (Download these PDFs for the class):
Open to
16 yrs and up
Class Size:
R: $90 NR: $107
NEW: Drop-ins $20 per class.
REGISTRATION: Registration will be through Capitola Recreation, by phone (831) 475-5935, in person or online starting April 8, 2025. When I receive a link I will post it here.
NEW: Drop-ins available; $20 each class.
Questions? Call or text me at (831) 713-9312.
6 Thursdays: January 9 – February 13, 2025
Course Description
Let’s make Valentine Mandalas for ourselves! Emphasizing the fun and playfulness of free and flowing watercolor, this class is designed to make learning fun, easy and an expression of your heart. What does your heart need? We’ll make a valentine for it. We can create gratitude valentines for what we are grateful for, healing or valentine mandalas for any reason. The basics of watercolor and mandala making will be taught. Mandalas are a very ancient tool for aiding meditation, balance, peace and healing. We will make valentine mandalas for loved ones too! Beginners are welcome.
A Suggested Material’s List is available in “HAND OUTS.”
Class Location
Class Title
Class Schedule
Day: Thursdays
Time: NOTE NEW TIME 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM NOTE NEW TIME due to remodeling of the Community Center
1 6-week session
HAND OUTS (Download these PDFs for the class):
Class 1/25 Syllabus Heart Mandalas
Open to
16 yrs and up
Class Size:
R: $90 NR: $107
NEW: Drop-ins $20 per class.
REGISTRATION: Registration will be through Capitola Recreation, by phone (831) 475-5935, in person or online starting December 10, 2024. https://secure.rec1.com/CA/capitola-recreation-ca/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTM0MTA4NjA=
NEW: Drop-ins available; $20 each class.
Questions? Call or text me at (831) 713-9312.
Your mandala classes have supported through a grueling time. Thank you for being such a knowledgeable and inspiring teacher. It was your own mandala art that drew me initially to your classes. Your work is exquisitely fine, it is healing and supportive and it is sacred.
– Christine
You are a wonderful teacher, a fund of knowledge, thoughtful, vulnerable and so fun. I love your class and enjoy your energy so much!! Thank you.
– Nancy H.
You are awesome! I love you. I love this class. I love the Mandala Group and the magic we create because you bravely show up to shine each week. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
– Merritt M.