Michele Faia  >  Flower Energy Paintings  >  FLOWER ENERGY PAINTING EXPERIENCE

Painting: “I Am Free, You are Free.” 15” x 15”, 7/10/13. Watercolor, ink transfer, gouache, oil pastel, colored pencil, metallic watercolor on hot press watercolor paper. 

You Are Free, I Am Free

Here is one woman’s experience with the Flower Energy Painting You Are Free, I Am Free , which helped her heal the grief from the death of her son. She wrote me this lovely letter – see below.

Dear Michele:

I bought your print I Am Free, You Are Free at Wisteria Gardens last month (9/2016) while I was staying in Aptos for a family reunion. I was walking through the shop talking to my son when I saw this piece. It spoke to me, you see I lost my youngest son in an accident in 2014 and he was heavy on my heart. During his services on the beach the Dolphins began frolicking in the ocean. When I read that you named it “I am free, you are free” and I saw the date was 2014 and I read the Healing Mandala Description, I felt it was a message from my son. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating such a beautiful piece of art. I framed it with my son’s prayer cards. Your work delivered a very powerful message to me that I truly needed to hear. I don’t believe in coincidences, this was meant to free me from my grief.

May God bless you!

Vickie R.

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